Thank you to my beautiful big sister Clare for nominating me for the Sunshine Award... again...
Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their Sunshine award post
2. Answer the questions they asked you
3. Nominate other blogger/bloggers
4. Give them a list of questions
5. Let them know that they have been nominated
6. Make a Sunshine Award button and put it on your post (If you do not wish to make one then use mine or at least go back to a blog that has one that is a good resolution)
And here are Clare's questions for me to answer:
2. Do you brush your teeth every night? No... I don't... there is the occasion when I forget or when some one is using the bathroom when I want to go to bed...
3. What sound do you really like? Singing... nice songs that is... and not the same song for a whole day...
4. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? OK, with this question I will start with defining 'witness' as someone who testifies to an event. In this case I would wish to be a faithful witness to the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
5. What’s one of the strangest things you've ever done? I don't do strange things, I know my limitations.
6. What do you like least about yourself? That I am a sinner and have rebelled against my Creator.
7. Oranges or mulberry pie? To eat? I would choose Mulberry Pie...Is there anything impolite about mulberry pie?
8. What would you name the autobiography of your life? I am afraid it would not have a name because I would not have the patience, dedication, persistence and writing skill required to write it (the autobiography that is, not the title) let alone come up with ideas to write about...
10.Have you ever had to fight for your life? Literally? No... In a dream? No... If you want to know I only recall ever having two bad dreams in my life...
11.Drawbridge or moat? Let us guess that the drawbridge/moat is on or around a castle. Now we have that founded we can continue... If I was to enter a castle I would much prefer to to use a drawbridge than a moat... If there was a moat around a castle and no drawbridge it would make it very hard to get in so in this case I would be required to answer both... Also another difficulty is if you were meaning to swim in I think you will find that a moat makes this easier than a drawbridge (drawbridges are not normally used for swimming in)... However you may find that the drawbridge is safer because it is also unlikely that you will find many crocodiles which may (for some reason) be found in the moat...
12.Would you rather be able to fly or read peoples minds? I am not really interested in flying but I do think there would be some problems with being able to read peoples minds (if you really think about what goes through people's heads...) So I would not really like either one...
13.What are cats for? (In your opinion) I don't think they are worth having an opinion about...
Now... here are some questions for anyone who feels so inclined to answer... Post a comment and answer one or two or all of them if you like...
~ If you could revive/resurrect/bring-back-to-life one fictional character who would it be? Why?
~ Boots or Sandals?
~ Shine or Flower?
~ Chocolate or Ice cream?
~ J R R Tolkien or C S Lewis? (there is only one right short answer)
~ What is one feature of the design of blog that you especially like?
~ Comments or Email?
~ Do you understand my answer to question #1?
~ Purple or Green? (Purple Monkey and Green Gecko)
~ Cats or Dogs? (I might like to point out that the correct 'short answer' is neither)
~ Comments or Email?
~ Do you understand my answer to question #1?
~ Purple or Green? (Purple Monkey and Green Gecko)
~ Cats or Dogs? (I might like to point out that the correct 'short answer' is neither)
I deem it necessary to deny the writing of the answer to question #5... To my remembrance it was pointed out (by a particular person who just happens to know my password) that I forgot to answer it and then that particular person answered it for me...